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- 07308468595
- info@humblebeesnursery.co.uk
Play comes natural to children, which is also the best way for children to learn while they are having fun.
Play is often a full body activity that helps them to develop skills that they will need later on in life. Activities that involve movement foster muscle development and help fine-tune motor skills.
Children also build their mental and emotional muscles as they create elaborate, imaginative worlds rich with a system of rules that govern the terms of their play.
By offering children a chance to ask questions, problem solve, work collaboratively and carry out structured experimentation, play then becomes a key component of learning.
Our setting encourages children to socialize with their peers and experience play in small groups as well as investigating resources and activities independently or with the support of caring early year’s practitioners.
Our structured routine also allows some flexibility to meet the individual needs of the children. In this way we are then able to embrace the different interests of children in order to plan and make the necessary changes accordingly.
Observations and assessments are made on children, which then informs future planning alongside children’s interests.
Some of the daily activities include some of the following: